JUDICIARY Latest Features

Justice Tadeo Calls for Embracing of Community Service in Rwenzori Region

On Wednesday June 5,2024, the National Community Service Committee led by its Chairperson, Hon. Justice Tadeo Asiimwe, visited Fort Portal High Court Circuit where he interacted with different actors on the need to embrace Community Service.

Hon. Justice Asiimwe urged justice actors in the Rwenzori region to embrace the Community Service programme.

He also highlighted its importance such as decongesting prisons and reducing Government expenses, promote family unity, using orders to reform conviction and promotes reconciliation.

During the engagements which took place at the Remand Home and at the Court, the head of Fort Portal High Court Circuit, Hon. Justice Vincent Emmy Mugabo, emphasized the need to decongest prisons by courts giving punishments intended to benefit the community especially for petty offences.

The meeting was attended by among others; Fort Portal Resident Judge, Hon. Justice Vincent Wagona, Deputy Registrar HW Matenga Francis Dawa and Chief Magistrate HW Moses Nabende who coordinated the engagements.

Also present, LC V chairperson Bunyangabo District, Magistrates Grade I, representatives from Uganda Police Force, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, civic and religious leaders. 

Community Service is a sentencing option for persons convicted of crimes in which the court orders the defendant to perform a number of hours of unpaid work for the benefit of the public.

Posted 5th, June 2024
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